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"Hi, my name is Brynn. I have been dancing for seven years. But only started taking it seriously, since September 2016, when I met Miss Cortney. Miss Cortney has taught me how to show kindness to anyone and everybody, how to find the good in people, how to always give my all, and most importantly find and show my love for dance. One of my biggest accomplishments with Miss Cortney, is not only finding an outstanding dance teacher, but someone I can trust and truly call family. I am excited for Emerge Dance Complex because of the new opportunities, new people, and new found love I will find there. Emerge will definitely be a place I will feel safe and call home, because anywhere Cortney is, will definitely be an inspiring place because I am proud to say, Cortney is my biggest inspiration." - Brynn Matchett

"Hi, my name is Bella. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey for 5 years now. Miss Cortney has taught me so many things from resilience, to how to be the best dancer that I can possibly be. She has built up my confidence and showed me how to love dance, and how to love myself. My biggest accomplishment with Miss Cortney is winning first overall in my category at the View Dance Competition, with a solo that she choreographed. I am excited to be apart of Emerge Dance Complex because I know that Miss Cortney is going to continue pushing me to be as great as she knows I can be. I love to dance, and not only do I love to dance, but I love to dance with Miss Cortney." - Bella Foidart

"Hi, my name is Zoe. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey since the first day I stepped into the studio. Miss Cortney has taught me so much, like how to connect to and enjoy every moment in dance. As well as to recognize my strengths and weaknesses, and use that knowledge to better improve. One of my biggest accomplishments with Miss Cortney, is learning to have a story and connection with every move in dance. As well as improving in every class I take from her. I am excited to join Emerge Dance Complex, because it means I am able to expand my horizons with new dance teachers, as well as continue on with Miss Cortney, who has taught me so much over the past four years." - Zoe Shaw

"My name is Ella. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey from the very first day I started dancing all the way until today. She has inspired me to be the person that I am today, and the dancer I am today, through dancing and expressing myself through dance. One of my biggest accomplishments with Miss Cortney has definitely been all of the solos we have done together. They have truly taught me my independence as a dancer, and also as a person. This has allowed me to express myself, whoever that may be, through dance. I am so excited to be apart of Emerge Dance Complex because I can't wait to be apart of a team who expresses ourselves through dance, and who will truly love and support each other through everything." - Ella Hamlin

"My name Reanne. Cortney has been alongside my dance journey for the past 3 years. Cortney has taught me so much in such a small time that we've been working together. From dancing, to beyond that. She has taught me how to better my technique, my flexibility, my skills, my strength, and how to be a better performer. She has also taught me how to grow not only as a performer, but also as a person. She helped me gain the confidence that I needed to be in a studio. I never had a confidence in myself and my dancing being in a studio space, until I started working with Miss Cortney, and getting what I need to grow into a confident dancer." - Reanne Collette

"Hi, my name is Breanna. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey for 6 years. Miss Cortney has taught me that you have to work long and hard to reach your goals and to always follow your dreams. Miss Cortney has taught me everything I know about acro. She has taught me to believe in myself, and never give up. I am excited to be apart of the Emerge Dance Complex family, because Miss Cortney was the one who started my passion for dance. I am excited to be apart of the welcoming dance family at Emerge." - Breanna Roberts

"Hi, my name is Amelia. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey for over 5 years. Miss Cortney has taught me almost everything I know about dance. She has taught me to always work hard, and to always be proud of myself. One of my biggest accomplishments with Miss Cortney is winning second place overall at Dance Canada, with a duo that she choreographed. I am so excited to be apart of Emerge Dance Complex, because I know how much Miss Cortney cares about her dancers, and I know she will continue to push me to be the best dancer and person that I can be. I know that Emerge Dance Complex will be a safe space for everyone." - Amelia Larson

"Hi, my name is Brooklyn. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey for four years, going onto five this year actually. Miss Cortney has taught me so much both physically and mentally. Whether that be boosting my confidence, or not letting me get too hard on myself. My biggest accomplishment with Miss Cortney is probably my flexibility and my aerial. I am both very proud of those. I am overally excited to be apart of Emerge Dance Complex, because wherever you are in life, it is always exciting to start a new journey with the people you love." - Brooklyn Houmphanh


"Hi, my name is Camryn. I have been dancing for 5 years. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance career since the beginning. My greatest accomplishment with her would have to be my aerial. She helped me so much with getting over my fear, and showing me the reality of the move. Now I can do it no problem, all thanks to her. She is one of the best teachers I know, and I am excited to start a new year at Emerge Dance Complex with her." - Camryn Hammond

"Hi, my name is Katia. I have danced with Miss Cortney, for five years. She has taught me acro moves, musical theatre, and how to show my emotions. One of my biggest accomplishments with Miss Cortney is that I am so close to doing my aerial, thanks to her courage and support." - Katia Gelineau

"Hi, my name is Kayla. Miss Cortney has been apart of my dance journey for 2 years. Miss Cortney taught me your allowed to cry and scream, but you are never ever allowed to give up. " - Kayla Gerber

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